Saturday, May 10, 2008

Hanging out with some Corkers

Not sure what else to call the people from Cork. Cork is much smaller and more behaved than Dublin. Our bus ride was amazingly green and uneventful. We walked around Cork about 5 or 6 times before eating in a hotel and then going out for drinks after.

We somehow found a pub that had 2.90 pints until 9pm. They also played the entire Metallica album while we were there. We had a number of pints. I also tried to branch out and have something besides Guinness; shit. I tried some stupid Cider. This is why I don't try new things. So, after a number of pints (I think we bought them 2 at a time) we went back to our super posh hotel. This morning we saw Blarney Castle and the stone and then had some coffee in a super nice little shop.

Tonight we meet up with the Villas, and if we are lucky one more football match. I am sure that Villa has been checking for it. Also, my cord is packed away, so I will have to post pics later. I did draw one...

1 comment:

Katie Sullivan said...

We call the people from Cork "Sullivan" out, that's where my crazy clan of relatives are from. I actually have some cousins still there!